Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MLB Season Preview

I wanted to do my own MLB season preview because I watch way too much baseball to not have opinions on how this season will go down. I want to thank my dad for buying MLB Extra Innings for the last 5 or so years and making me have very little semblance of a life in the summer. To explain how I do my preview I will need you to first understand what happened this past Sunday in Arizona. At Wrestlemania 26, Shawn Michaels, my favorite wrestler ever, had his career end, losing a career match against The Undertaker. It was honestly the best match I have ever witnessed, and made me realize how different the WWE will be without Shawn. With that being said, I have been watching a lot of wrestling lately. So, With each MLB team, I will have them represented by a past or current WWF Superstar. This was not easy to do, as some teams could have went with many superstars, while some didn't really relate to any superstars. I apologize to some wrestlers who were not represented by a team. This list includes Baston Boger, Doink the Clown, Papa Shango, Akeem, Jack Swagger, X-pac, and many, many others. Also, I use some stats, but I am not huge on stats to start the season. Players have on and off years. That's a fact. Injuries, new teams, new ballparks, slumps, all play a role in the players previous years performance. So in short, I try to use stats some, but more so I look at the stats and I reflect on how that team and player actually played. My preview involves more reflection on performance, predictions on future performance, and overall gut feeling as to how this team will do. I have divided it up into three sections: Why that team is represented by that particular wrestler, what I like about the team, and questions surrounding the team. Then I give a prediction as to the 2010 record of that team. So without further ado...My 2010 predictions by division.

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