What th
e fuck is so hard about giving a man a haircut?!? I walk into Great Clips and the "stylist" who is cutting my hair, who obviously just got done smoking a whole pack of Virginia Slims, asks me "So do you like it longer on top?" "Well Yes I do" I say. "Maybe a half inch off?" she asks. "Well I don't know, lets take off a little and see how it looks" I suggest. She proceeds to damn near buzz my head. Lady, I will take this pound of hair you cut off, which started as 1.2 lbs of hair, and shove it down your throat so you can smoker hack it back up. Now I look like a 12 year old Lloyd Christmas and Great Clips is $15 dollars richer. Want to know what to do with all those old people who start to lose their minds and are thought to be no longer a benefit to society? Get them a fucking job at Great Clips or Cost Cutters.

5) People Who Refuse Medicine
Does anybody else have a friend who wont take aspirin for a headache? Or tum-tum-tum-tum-tummsssss for a stomach ache because then "next time I will be dependent on medicine". Maybe I'm the only one who has friends like this, but if I'm not then that sucks for society. What in the hell is wrong with becoming "dependent" on medicine for a headache? Will the 1.99 for 5,000 ibuprofen pills break your bank? Are you worried 2 pills every 3 or 4 weeks will eat the inside of your stomach? Medicine is developed for a reason...IT WORKS. "hey man, don't use hand warmers when its 45 degrees out, then when its colder your hands will be even colder" I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I want warmth and health right now. So be it if I have to take penecilin next time I get the clap. I'm going to fight it now. Hey Daniel Boone, its 2010. Take medicine.
6) Wilco fans
I'm pretty open to musical tastes. I have almost 7,000 songs on my ipod and know the words to probably 5,000 of those songs. I love everything from Blink to Journey to Jay-z to Joshua Radin, but I c
an not, for the life of me, figure out why people have been jumping on this Wilco bandwagon. They have joined the ranks of bands such as (take a deep breath before you get angry) DMB, U2, and The Doors as being bands who are liked because of their aura instead of their music. I'm sure alot of people disagree, but DMB sucks and U2 has made 2,000 albums and have a grand total of 2 good songs. The Doors? Jim Morrison lives, they are no cooler than Van Morrison. I've seen The Doors concert at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and it is god awful. So back to Wilco. Who anointed these guys the college band of the douches of the 2000's? They sound like Bob Dylan forgot how to write music and lyrics, wasn't singing songs with a message, and still has a shitty voice. It doesn't help that Rolling Stone has Wilco shit every other page, but then again, Rolling Stone has gone to shit since around, ohhh 2002ish. Quit trying to sell me on Wilco. My neighbors garage band sounds better than that, and his band doesn't have all kinds of fucking nerdy fans trying to tell me they are the second coming. Fuck Wilco.
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