5) The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase
The Million Dollar Man will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year, and s
till works for the company, but never held a belt higher than the Tag Team Belts with partner IRS. That point could be debated if you consider "The Million Dollar Belt", which was badass, but was never officially recognized by the WWE. Dibiase was an excellent wrestler and was a master at making the fans hate him. Despite almost buying the WWF (Sometimes I just can't say WWE without crying a little bit) Heavyweight Championship from Andre the Giant, which was denied by WWF officials, The Million Dollar Man never sniffed the title. One of the classic heels in WWF history, and he couldn’t even win the Intercontinental belt? Come on! If his son can carry on the Dibiase name as well as the original Ted Dibiase did, he should get some title love. Money, money, money, moneyyyyy.
4) Razor Ramon
s I have read or heard about "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon, or Scott Hall as his birth certificate says, are usually not too kind. Bret Hart felt Razor was not a skilled wrestler and put other wrestlers in danger with his Razor's Edge finisher. But I say fuck that. Razor was a fan favorite and competed in one of the most memorable matches I can recall from my childhood in Wrestlemania X against Shawn Michaels. That ladder match for the Intercontinental Title was the only title Razor ever held in the WWE. My question is, love him or hate him, how can a guy put on such a great match, such as the ladder match at Wrestlemania X, and not be pushed for a main event title match?
3) Kane
This may seem strange to think about since Kane has held almost every belt possib
le in his 13 year WWE career, but I felt like his potential was never reached. Kane and Undertaker matches were always interesting because of the back story and the sheer size of both men, but they never meant much of anything on a grand scale. Kane only held the WWE Championship Title for one day before Stone Cold took it back. For the last seven years Kane has fought without his unique mask, which always made him more mysterious and badass. If I were in charge, Kane would still be masked, fighting for titles, and having an on-going, though not always evident on the surface, rivalry with the Undertaken until Kane was ready to hang 'em up, where the Taker could finish him once and for all. Instead, we have to see the bald head of the former dentist Issac Yankem fighting people such as Evan Bourne and making us wonder why we have never seen Kane and Uncle Fester in the same place at the same time.
2) Mr. Perfect
Curt H
enning, known as Mr. Perfect, was not the flashiest of wrestlers, and didn't have the greatest gimmick..but..he was just cool enough for kids to like, and he was just dirty enough for adults to hate. IT also helped that Perfect was a tremendous wrestler, and his finisher, the Perfect Plex, could easily be done to neighborhood kids while wrestling in the park. Perfect only held the Intercontinental Championship twice, but is considered one of the best champions ever. He died in 2003 and was also inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. So why did he never headline any pay-per views? Good question. A Perfect versus Bret Hart match would have been a classic. As would have a Perfect against Macho Man rivalry. Maybe Mrs. Elizabeth has a thing for Perfect? It is conceivable. Either way, before his injuries slowed him down, the WWF should have recognized his greatness and gave him more main event matches.
1) Papa Shango
Papa Shango was perhaps the most under-used wrestler of all time. I say this because who didn’t think Papa Shango was 1 part frightening, 1 part totally fucking sweet. We learned la
ter he wasn't a horrible wrestler, as Kama and The Godfather got a bigger push than Papa (all three the same guy). His voodoo thing he had going with The Ultimate Warrior would have been far better received if the Warrior wasn’t a total douche (even though I still love the character of The Ultimate Warrior). Papa Shango could have been a big time villain, putting spells on people from The Undertaker, to Hulk Hogan, to Vince McMahon himself. Shango should have been a top-tier character because every person in the arena watched him when he walked down the aisle. There is no doubt, Papa Shango was gone before his time, and was not near utilized enough during it.

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