Honorable mentions: The Brood - Probably could have been way cooler if Gangrel was not an awkward semi-fat guy named David Heath. The Powers of Pain - Warlord and Barbarian were monsters and every kid in the late 80's early 90's couldn't understand why these guys always lost. They had the look, just never really excelled as a tag team or as singles competitors.
Here we go..
10) Marty Jannetty
I know
that Jannetty was not the talent of The Rockers or even The New Rockers, but I believe if he wasn't passed out at a strip club high on crank during the mid to late 90's, a Jannetty return to have a rivalry with Shawn Michaels would have been epic. Shawn is a good enough wrestler to carry a classic match with Jannetty and everybody would have loved to see The Midnight Rockers go head to head for the WWF belt. Obviously Michaels would win this match, cause Jannetty could never carry the title, but it would have been quite a good storyline. Now Jannetty sounds like one of those people who smoke out of the hole in their neck, and quite honestly, he doesn't look much better.
9) Golddust
Here is a guy who held three different belts (Intercontinental, Hardcore, and T
ag-Team belts with Booker T) but he could have been an even bigger star if pushed correctly. He has the wrestling gene, being the son of Dusty Rhoades, and was always an entertainer in the ring. His character was just creepy enough to scare people, and just cool enough for kids to like him. The gold suit may have been a little gay, but the face paint was always solid, and the finisher, along with "shattered dreams" always brought the house down. Golddust is now an afterthought on ECW and acts like an idiot week in and week out, but I feel that in the late 90's Golddust could have had some great matches with the likes of Stone Cold and The Rock.
8) Boogeyman
7) Raven
Raven came to the WWE as this hyped Cobain-like star of ECW but he never rea
lly panned out in the WWE. He was a depressed maniac, and that usually makes for good tv, but in Raven's case it didn't. Raven only stayed in the WWE for about two years, and during these two years was apparently Hardcore champion 27 times. I'm not sure how that works, but the record shows 27 times he held that. He should have came over after being ECW champion and been instantly vaulted to a premier superstar, instead he was a little depressed bitch, who had lost his edge that made him so popular.

6) Kamala
e on, look at Kamala and tell me he should have been such a pussy. No way this guy was such a pushover. He should have been Abdullah The Butcher reincarnate. Instead he was more like One Man Gang with a tribal skirt. Granted, he got some title shots to Hulk Hogan in 86 and 87, ad lost the first ever "casket match" against The Undertaker, but he never won anything. Kamala never won a belt, not that he needed one to hold up his 18 year old girls Halloween costume of a skirt. Still, this guy has fans. Me being one of them. He had the look of a classic monster bad guy, and had the size to convincingly hold his own against the best in the business. He should have gotten some type of title in his career instead of always failing.
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