Thursday, May 27, 2010

There's a Light on in Chicago

Two things I hate: Chicago sports teams and fake, bandwagon-jumping sports fans.

These two things tend to go hand-in-hand a lot due to the Cubs, Bulls, White Sox and Bears fans who are unrealistic, annoying, and not that loyal. I understand I could catch some heat from that because growing up in Davenport, Iowa, I have come to know quite a few Chicago sports fans who are loyal, intelligent and likeable. I know some people who follow the Bulls and Bears through thick and thin. I know some who go to Wrigley and go for the game, not the ambiance and Old Style. I feel there are many more, however, who hear through facebook statuses that the Cubs won today, then proceed to go out and talk trash all night about the great Cubbies, without ever seeing a pitch thrown in that game. These are the same fans who are all about the Cubs for one week in April, and then again in October, if they are in a pennant race, that is. These are the same fans who have watched maybe seven Bulls games (those games being either the 2009 playoff series against Boston and the 2010 series against the Cavs) since Jordan left, but will be full-fledged red and black maniacs again if LeBron goes to Chicago. While we are on the subject of Chicago, research shows 9 out of 10 Chicago suburb kids at the University of Iowa suck. That is factually correct.

For all these reasons, I hate Chicago sports teams. I get almost as much satisfaction out of seeing a Cubs, Bulls or Bears loss than seeing an Indians, Pacers or Vikings win. Here is the kicker though: I love the city of Chicago. I think the city itself is awesome. The skyscrapers. The lake. The Pizza. Pre-2006 Fall Out Boy. The city of Chicago is the biggest city in the Midwest and only a couple hours from my hometown. This all crossed my mind sometime last winter when I decided to embrace NHL hockey and become a fan.

The question became: which NHL team would I support? I had a Mighty Ducks Starter jacket when I was younger, but that was because I love Emelio and Charlie Conway instead of the actual team in Anaheim. Followed the Avalanche for a while, but that was only because my Mom's boyfriend was from Colorado. I decided then and there it was time to embrace Chicago a little bit, and become a Blackhawks fan. I went to Blackhawk College in Illinois, my roommate's step-dad became a Blackhawks fan a few years ago and follows them obsessively, and they are close by, so why not?

I learned a few things about the Blackhawks quickly. Their logo and uniforms are badass. I knew this already, but it still helped foster my fanhood. I learned their fans seemed to be more intelligent about their team. Maybe "intelligent" isn't the right word, maybe it is "realistic". The Blackhawks have good solid fans. I almost got an Iowa Wrestling vibe from Blackhawks fans. They knew things were going to happen before they did. I like this in fans. I learned they were a young, fast, exciting team. Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, Big Buff. These are stars that are fun to watch. I also learned that they haven't won the Stanley Cup since 1961. I don't care about the Cubs epic losing streak, although it makes me happy, but the Blackhawks lack of a title reminds me of my Indians, Vikings and Pacers. I like loyal fan bases.

The 2009 NHL playoffs were when I came around and started watching on a regular basis. I watched most of the games, and then this season I even tuned in for 8-10 regular season games. I cheered for Patrick Kane in the Olympics. I've been very into the playoffs this year and their exhilarating run to the Stanley Cup Finals. I will be watching the Finals with anticipation and will be emotionally invested in every game. So why does this make me any different than the fake sports fans I love to hate?

Reason number one is that I know, and will openly admit, that I don't like hockey like I do baseball, basketball or football, and will probably never follow it as close. Sure I'll be let down if Philly wins the cup, but not like in 2007 when the Red Sox beat the Indians or when the Vikings lost to the Saints last year. I really like the Blackhawks. I love the Indians, Pacers and Vikings. I know this and will admit it to anybody.

Reason number two is that I am waiting 7 years until I consider myself an actual Blackhawks die-hard fan. I feel like I need to earn my fanhood. This is no weekend courtship. Seven years make for common law marriage. If I'm still following hockey in 2016, which is 7 years from when I began my Blackhawk fandom, then I will consider myself a true Blackhawks fan. This 2010 playoff run has been a wild one, and I'm happy I'm on the bandwagon for it. I plan on wearing a Blackhawks t-shirt on Saturday and cheering on the team for game one. My interest is hockey has not been higher since Mighty Ducks 2 came out. If they go on and win the Cup, I won't consider this as ending my fan losing streak, at least for six more years. The Indians, Vikes or Pacers have to do that. I'll remain the most tourtured sports-fan born after 1985.
Reason number three is that I'm not an idiot like most Chicago sports fans. Sorry guys.

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