Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 1 of the NCAA Tournament

Thoughts on first day:

Scottie Reynolds almost played in two of the biggest upsets in tournament history – If Bobby Morris would have won today, and the 1985 Nova-Georgetown game. He’s been around a while.
I’m instantly regretting picking Big East teams. Last year it was money. This year...not so much.

Ali Farokhmanesh of UNI hits a 3 with seconds left to beat UNLV. Had five 3’s. Know where he is from? IOWA FUCKING CITY, IOWA. You’re kidding me Hawks. He is no Dean Oliver, but he is better than Cully Payne. Then again, we could recruit at the Special Olympics and find a better point guard than Cully Payne.

New Rule: If a team is made up of mostly black athletic guys, and won 30 regular season games and have a potentially possible upset draw in the first round…TAKE THEM. Thanks Murray State.

Potential Iowa coaching candidates who coached today: Ben Jacobson – had a white-out going for some of the game...Not what the Hawks need. Kevin Stallings – Lost as a 4 seed to the 13 seed for the second time in three years. Tony Barbee – His team, UTEP, came out and looked like that all just Cleveland Steamer’d each other during halftime and had nothing left in the tank. Good candidates. Got your work cut out for you Barta.

The tournament setup hasn’t changed for years, yet CBS still blows at getting the most relevant, exciting game to the audience. I blame Greg Anthony and Seth Davis. Just because I want to.
How many guys named Robert Morris are getting smartass condolences from their friends tonight for almost beating Villanova?

Late in the Marquette game Lazar Hayward grabbed an important rebound, then stood there with his hands wrapped around it and let himself get tied up. They had the possession arrow so it wasn’t harmful to Marquette, but did someone tell him this wasn’t the Elks Club 6th grade tournament and back court pressing IS allowed?

Maybe I’m getting old, but are the scores on the top of the screen getting smaller? I think CBS is in cahoots with the guy who invented Lasik surgery and is trying to convince all viewers over 19 years of age to consider the procedure.

Think Georgetown ever held an employee and family picnic that held family games? I bet they did. I also bet John Thompson and JT3 were seeded 1, then the 16 seed, the Dean and his four year old granddaughter, upset them. They have a knack for pissing sure wins down their legs.

If you pick a team to get to the sweet sixteen, then they lose, should you root against the team you picked them to play in the 2nd round if some people picked that team to get to the sweet sixteen? For example, I picked Marquette and New Mexico, with Marquette beating New Mexico. Some people in my pool picked New Mexico to get to the Sweet Sixteen. Should I cheer against New Mexico in the first round to make is impossible for them to win in the 2nd round even if I would get the first round points for their win? Got all that?

I think in honor of his return to the NCAA tournament, Steve Alford should have to wear that light blue tank top he was sporting in Winning Time the other night.

CBS should not be allowed to put a 5-12 game during that 4:30 time slot when everybody but the West Coast gets their local news. Tomorrow the Texas A&M / Utah St. game is during that time slot, and that’s just Bush League.

Who has an eight point lead in overtime and loses?!?! 2010 Texas, that’s who.

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